
Number: 4

Nickname: Buna

Date of birth: 14/02/1995

Hometown: Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

Current city of residence: Chennai, India

Height: 5'2"

Current club: Saints

Occupation: PhD Scholar, Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras

How I came into Ultimate:
Referred by colleague

How I came to join Saints:
Referred by colleague initially and after few sessions, decided to stay with Saints.

What I like about ultimate:
Spirit of the game; positive competitiveness among the players.

Who am I outside ultimate:

Other sports I play:
Throwball, Batminton

Something unknown about me:
I love reading Novels. As a player, I am constant learner of the game.

Social media:
Facebook ID: Bhuvanasundari Sivagnanam