
Number: 7

Nickname: Sins

Date of birth: 08/06/1998

Hometown: Kerala, India

Current city of residence: Chennai, India

Height: 5'7"

Current club: Saints

Occupation: Student, Interated BS-MS in Physics, IIT Madras


How I came into Ultimate:
Summer of 2018, I was interning in Bangalore, when my labmate/co-guide who is an ultimate player himself introduced me to Ultimate. Used to follow the sport on screen since, and the habit sticks with me till now. A semester later, came to know about my college club, attended practice ever since.

How I came to join Saints:
As mentioned above. Being the only one who follows the sport on screen in my whole department, it was my duty to recruit and form a team for this inter-department league conducted by Saints, even though I had never held a frisbee before. Unlike others in my team, I kept attending the practice sessions afterwards, and next thing I know I am a Saint.

Ultimate players I follow:
Rowan McDonnel
Beau Kittridge
Harper Garvey
Kat Philips
Valeria Cardinas
Jimmy Mickle
Tom Tulett

What I like about ultimate:
Spirit of the game -- Imposed friendly nature of the sport helps me relax.

Pre-game ritual:
Listening to Sub Urban - Cradles [Bass Boosted - HQ].

Who am I outside ultimate:
Web developer, Biophysics researcher, Psychology minor, dance enthusiast, traveller, music/concert lover, eventual lazy slob.

Other sports I play:
Basketball, Volleyball.

Something unknown about me:
I love researching into lot of topics, like drug interactions, narcotics, hormonal balances in brain, etc. I am deeply intrigued in Psychology. I take up varieties of hobbies, like wood carving and music mixing and learning a new music instrument, every once in a while, especially during exam months.

Social media:
One can find me in almost every social media platform by my webdev handle "Sentienta Sins". But I visit Instagram, Telegram, LinkedIn and Reddit. I don't visit Facebook that often, but here you go!