
Number: 8

Nickname: Thunder

Date of birth: 18/09/1999

Hometown: Mumbai, India

Current city of residence: Chennai, India

Height: 5'10"

Current club: Saints

Occupation: Student, Interated B.Tech-M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras

How I came into Ultimate:
Part of NSO Frisbee IITM during academic year 2017-18.

How I came to join Saints:
I wanted to be a pioneer in Ultimate on campus.

Ultimate players I follow:
I follow a lot of world Ultimate and especially AUDL (rip season cancelled).

What I like about ultimate:
I love the way the disc flies and the way we fly after it!

Pre-game ritual:
I put in headphones and pump loud music to get me fired up before big games.

Who am I outside ultimate:
Gaming, anime, other sports and recruiting other people to Ultimate lol.

Other sports I play:
Too many to count. On a serious level - Tennis, Taekwondo, Cricket...

Something about me:
I like to think of myself as an all-round player in ultimate, who can do whatever is needed when the team needs it!

Social media:
Instagram: @avyay_rao.