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We conduct Events

We conduct events to inculcate a spirit of service and social activism among the students. Events include lectures by prominent social workers and civil society members with hands on experiences in dealing with social issues. Other events like workshops and field visits will try and create a passion for serving the society.

CPR workshop

A CPR ( Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) workshop was conducted on 2nd February 2017 in conjunction with Fortis Malar Hospital. The team explained the working of this life saving measure and the necessary precautions to be taken.

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Field visit - SOS Children's village

A field visit to SOS Children’s Village in East Tambaram was the last event of the odd semester. It was organised on 6th November 2016 with 49 volunteers and 8 managerial team members selected through an online form. Volunteers along with the Managerial Team members left for the village in the morning, spent time there teaching them, interacting with them and playing with them. Mr Jayabaalan, Assistant Village Director interacted with the team.

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We conduct Projects

Projects on the other hand will make sure that all the volunteers actually go work on the ground to create a material impact on the lives of oppressed and marginalised. Events coupled with projects will make sure that volunteers develop ideas and also act upon them.

Project Suyam

This hugely successful project provides assistance to Suyam Charitable Trust in teaching and mentoring students of Bharathamatha Primary School. The Project aims at reaching out to students who have immense potential but do not have enough resources to realize them, and provides them with not just resources but also guidance and one-on-one teaching sessions.

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Project Paws

Project Paws works with the Blue Cross Society in caring for animals. They also organize meetings and create posters, among many other things, to create awareness.

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We conduct Winterns

Winterns are a way for volunteers to have a quality time serving the people while also having that as an internship. Winter internships also help volunteers to earn credits for their projects. Winterns are an excellent way to meet new people from different NGO's who have years of experience in dealing with societal problems.

Wintern at Hope

Volunteers visited the Hope Special School at Ambattur, and spent over a week with the children, and helped in teaching them according to personalized lesson plans, aimed at helping them to become independent in small measures. They also went for a one-day visit to the centre at Aminjikarai, which is a shelter for abandoned, intellectually-disabled boys.

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Wintern at School for the Blind

Volunteers who were a part of Project Sravyam went to the Government School for the Blind, Kasargod and taught the children in various classes in topics ranging from English to Economics.

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We take other initiatives

Other initiatives like NSS Conclave, NSS Open House etc make sure that NSS fulfills all of its obligations as a service organisation. Conclave is to ensure that all the NSS teams across Chennai work together towarda achieving common goals as a community of service oriented teams. Open House is a programme where all the activities of the NSS during that academic year are summed up and put on display.

NSS Chennai Chapters' Conclave

National Service Scheme proudly hosted the second edition of NSS Chennai Chapters’ Conclave on 8th April 2017 in Mahatma Hall (Room:HSB 356). The conclave brought together NSS units from 3 colleges in Chennai namely Anna University, SSN college of Engineering and Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, together pledging on a joint collaboration and exploring areas of common service.

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Diwali celebration at Government Girls Home in Purasaivakkam

NSS Foundation Day lecture was given by renowned Social Activist and Magsaysay Award Recipient Mr Bezwada Wilson on 26th September 2016 at IC&SR Auditorium in IIT Madras. Mr Wilson gave an inspiring lecture on social service and how it should cater to the needs of the marginalised and deprived particularly focussing on the lives of manual scavengers.

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Upcoming Events

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PROJECTS 2017-18

Conducted in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organizations around the country. Projects are the focus of the National Service Scheme. They embody the spirit of service that we wish to inculcate in every volunteer, and allow the volunteers to create a tangible impact on the society. NSS Projects are classified under three verticals – Teaching, Bring A Change and Content Generation.
Each project is administered by dedicated Project Representatives, under the supervision and coordination of the Project Administration Team.

For more details mail us at nssiitm.pa@gmail.com




    NGO: SUYAM (www.suyam.org/)

    Vision: Project Suyam was established to provide assistance to SUYAM charitable trust in teaching and mentoring students of BHARATHAMATHA PRIMARY SCHOOL. Our primary objective is to create an atmosphere for students who don’t have enough resources but have immense potential, who lack guidance but have high ambitions, are provided with instrumental support so that they can fulfil their dreams. We do this by leveraging resources and providing them with quality education. Frequently, a team of volunteers makes a visit to the school and helps students, not only in their studies but also in giving them moral support so that they find themselves at par with others.

    Objectives: Teaching school children from class 8 to 12 both Science and Commerce Students.

    Centres: IIT madras and Suyam Centre, Vyasarpadi

    Classes are conducted on weekends in Suyam charitable trust and occasionally classes are held at IIT Madras during weekdays.

    Criteria for selection of Volunteers

    • Dedication towards the project
    • Teaching skills
    • Ability to interact with children
    • Knowledge in Tamil, but not mandatory



    NGO: Chudar (http://chudar.org)

    Objective/Vision:: Teach Science, Math and English to under-privileged children. The project will cover centres in Adyar, Saidapet, Kotturpuram and Triplicane.

    Description: The project will teach children studying in classes 3- 8 in slum areas.Classes will be in weekdays from 5 pm to 8pm.Content for Math and English classeswill be created in cooperation with Chudar whereas Science classes will follow the school textbooks. Weekend classes will focus on fun activities related to their studies that children can engage in.

    Criteria for selection of Volunteers: Volunteers who are interested in teaching will also be given preference. Basic communication skills in Tamil is preferred, but not mandatory.



    Vision: The Project aims at improving the speaking, reading and writing skills in English of high school students by interacting with them and other activities like story telling sessions, language based puzzles group discussions etc. This will help the students get a wider exposure to the language so that they are able to use it with confidence.

    Centres: Nehru Middle School, Velachery

    General Information: Classes will be held at the Nehru Middle School, every Saturday from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
    The volunteers will be expected to interact with the kids in English and encourage them to be more open and overcome their limitations. They will also be expected to prepare worksheets (under suitable guidance).

    <Criteria for selection of Volunteers: Volunteers who can understand and speak Tamil, speak English in an eloquent manner and enthusiastic about teaching.



    About SOS Village:: SOS is a Non- governmental Organisation working for providing a homely shelter for millions of orphaned, abandoned and destitute children. What makes SOS stand apart from another initiatives on the same line is the environment at their campuses. The organization has 546 ‘villages’ worldwide in sprawling campuses where the children are taken care in homes nurtured by a mother. One home will have 6-10 kids being taken care of by a mother. Many villages provide infrastructure ranging from playgrounds to schools. SOS villages could be found in 130 countries across the globe.

    For more details- https://www.soschildrensvillages.in/where-we- work/chennai

    About the Project: The project aims at imparting conceptual knowledge in Science and Mathematics to students of 6 th to 8 th grade studying under the Tamil Nadu state board .SOS Village, Chennai is located in East Tambaram which is nearly 17 km away from Velachery Gate, IIT Madras.

    Schedule: Weekly 2 hour sessions on all Sundays (1 hour each for Science and Maths) beginning after Quiz I.



    What do we do:: The selected volunteers get to teach
    1.students from 8-12 standard students studying in nearby KV and Vana Vani schools and help them in their academics ( some levels all of you might have breezed through in your way to IIT).
    2.And also some students in the residential area, who might be from 3-8 standards and help them through their normal academics. These children don't belong to the school, most probably will be the staff children. We have already talked to the principal of the school, and we shall most probably be dealing with the NTSE and KVPY content.

    What is in for you: If you are part of this project , the criteria of being in atleast one of NSS/NSO/NCC will be fulfilled as you are a part of NSS and you can also pursue your passion of teaching.
    The place you teach is very near, almost the same as that of CRC, so you can teach in your free slots , no need to dig out time.
    And the thank you that the students are going to say after all your efforts is the biggest perk of all.

    Criteria for selection of volunteers: Passion and enthusiasm is our main criteria. Basic communication skills in Tamil is preferred, but not mandatory.



    Collaboration with Chennai High School, Kottur.

    Objective: To guide 7 th , 8th, 9th standard students who can’t afford coaching and are really interested in maths to crack Olympiads like IMO, for around 50 students.
    Classes will be on weekdays (3:30pm-5:30pm).



    NGO: MSSRF Foundation(Near IITM Krishna Gate)

    Vision: The Center is an organization devoted to the rehabilitation education and upliftment of under privilaged children.

    Objective: To guide high school and higher secondary school on Science and Maths Topics.

    Weekdays 5.30/6PM-8PM



    Objective: We envision to make science learning fun and interesting for high school students by taking what they learn in classes outside the books.
    Students will be taught scientific principles and laws using a toy/project/demo that volunteers come up with. In addition we will be having presentations, movie/documentary screening, career counselling, quizzes and other interesting activities.

    Centre: Schools in Chennai
    School Visits will happen in between the semester on weekends.

    Description: Students will be taught scientific principles and laws using a toy/project/demo that volunteers come up with. In addition we will be having presentations, movie/documentary screening, career counselling, quizzes and other interesting activities.The project consists of a total of 4 visits at different schools in and around Chennai.

    Criteria: Knowledge of basic high school science. Open to engineering, science as well as humanities students.

    Optional Criteria: Basic knowledge of Powerpoint and Word.




    Objective: Our objective is to visit a cancer hospital to spend time with children diagnosed with cancer. Our goal is to make them happy and engage them into various activities.

    Centre: Adyar cancer institute
    Visits will be held on Saturdays from 9am to 12 noon.
    We will be visiting adyar cancer institute every Saturday and engage the children in various activities like coloring, drawing, solving puzzles.
    There are no criteria for selection of volunteers but knowledge of origami and creativity would be of much help.



    Objective: Helping Blind students in studying science, mathematics and English and moreover giving them a moral support in leading a better life.

    Centre: Near Adayar, Walkable distance from main gate.
    Classes will be in weekdays according to the free slots of volunteers. Mostly 5.30 to 7.30 in the evening.

    Description: We are cordially working with the St. Louis institute for deaf and the blind. They have students from 6 th standard to 12 th standard in both English and Tamil medium. They’re following Tamil Nadu State board syllabus. They’re spending a lot of time in translating their notes to Braille. We will help them in doing that.
    No need to know Braille.

    Details of our school: http://stlouisdeafblindadyar.org


    Vision & Objectives:

    • To spread awareness about the importance of blood donation and conduct blood camps as an effort from our side.
    • Make people feel the satisfaction of donating blood (saving 3 lives!).
    • Educate people about the common myths and superstitions over blood donation.
    • Improve the network of blood donors to ensure better connection between the donor and recipient.

    NGO: Blood Connect

    Skill Set Recommended: Creativity, Fine arts.



    Objective/Vision: To digitally literate less privileged people and also to ensure opportunities reaches to rural people to create an impact on the society to make India a 100% digitally literatenation.

    Scope: Eride organises groups of volunteers and extends it’s project digital literacy to the target audience. We spread digital literacy among less privileged groups like poorstudents, youth and adults.


    • Communicate with various sources and identify the target audience with the help of the external relations office of Eride.
    • Adjust the time and venue with precision to the target audience and organizers associated if there are any.


    • Have a body for decision making and solving unexpected challenges, accidental events and occurrences.
    • Get well trained volunteers and train others who are a part of the team and ensure that load of work is equally distributed.


    • Conducting sessions regularly in Tamil & English in nearby less privileged schools with the help of volunteers and devices.
    • To start with, minimum number of sessions to be conducted is two per week* with six volunteers accompanying in each.
    • Taking and delivering effective feedback after each session.
    • Managing volunteersand dealing with school authorities to organise the sessions regularly.


    • Devices: six smart devices are necessary to spread digital literacy among targeted audience.
    • Human resources: Volunteers are required to conduct sessions twice a week.
    • After a while, if the team displays dedication,trustworthiness and commitment, Eride will grant the status of chapter for the Chennaialong with required devices and gadgets to conduct sessions.

    Contact details: Email us at ngoeride@gmail.com


    Vision: Ensure peaceful co-existence of animals and humans in campus, reduce human-animal conflict.


    • Control the number of dogs and cats in campus
    • Monitor the health of the animals in campus
    • Create awareness about appropriate means of interacting with animals
    • Keep a check on animal abuse


    Friends of animals aims to do the below mentioned activities. However due to lack of volunteers sterilization, providing medical care to animals, emergency rescues and facilitating adoption are only being done, however it is done on a regular basis.

    • Facilitate rescues of animals in need
    • Legal action in the case of animal abuse
    • Help animals in need of medical attention
    • Create more natural food sources for wild animals
    • Ensure animals get enough water by placing and filling up water bowls
    • Sterilization of stray animals
    • Facilitate adoption of stray puppies and kittens
    • Curb the entry of new animals into the campus
    • Awareness sessions for students regarding interaction with animals.
    • Work towards a Garbage free ( Plastic free) zone
    • Work towards the removal of construction debris from forest area
    • Work towards ensuring that speed limits are followed

    Sessions will be on Saturdays and/ or Sundays

    Each session will last for 3 hours in which they will assist with one of the below activities.

    • Campus cleanup to remove plastics and debris. ( In the case of hazardous wastes, the students will work with the concerned staff)
    • Assist with sterilizations by moving animals to the veterinary hospital.
    • Assist with vaccination drives
    • House visits to ensure that puppies that were given up for adoption are in good hands.

    Students can also take up other activities on a daily basis:

    • Filling up water bowls
    • Giving medicines to animals that need attention on a regular basis

    Activities during Saarang and Shaastra:

    • Ensuring speed limits are followed by regulating traffic at various points in the campus.




    Objective: To help the Hindi speaking students who are having difficulty in understanding English and also to help students who want to learn Hindi.

    Project description: Volunteers need to select English articles from Wikipedia and translate those articles in Hindi, the articles that are chosen to be translated should not have any Hindi translation anywhere. Volunteers will have the full freedom to choose the type of article. Also, the volunteers need to translate some basic Hindi words, phrases, etc. to other south Indian languages (only if the volunteer knows Hindi and any one of the south Indian language), this task will be given occasionally. Overall the translated article should be simple and lucid.

    Criteria for selecting volunteers: The primary criteria for the volunteers for this project is, the volunteers should know proper Hindi and English, most importantly they should have a good command in Hindi writing. Volunteers who knows Hindi as well as anyone of the south Indian language can also opt for this project



    Objective/Vision: This project aims to empower school students in the “Komara” village in Andhra Pradesh by preparing PowerPoint presentations for Telugu medium students. The content in the presentations mainly include Math and Science topics, for classes 6 to 9, that follow the syllabus as mentioned in their textbooks. Relevant videos will also be included in the presentations.

    Description: The study material prepared will be shared with the “IVil-Komara Teaching Project”. The members in that project use them to conduct online classes mostly on a regular basis. The focus is hence on the quality of the presentations, rather than their quality.

    Criteria for selecting volunteers:
    • Volunteers should have the basic knowledge of Telugu Script, i.e, they should be able to read and write in Telugu.
    • It is advised for them to have a laptop.
    • Enthu to prepare content for classes.



    NGO: Lit The Light, Chennai.

    Objective/ Vision: Create and provide academic, non-academic and competitive exam preparatory materials in audio format.

    Description: Volunteers have to convert texts into audio material by recording the reading of the text. You can do it by yourselves anywhere, anytime but within the deadline. You can use your books as well. But you are required follow the guidance of project representatives. One can also include Tamil and Malayalam books. A wintern is conducted in government school, Kerala.
    The website link of the affiliated NGO - http://stage.litthelight.org/

    Criteria: A volunteer should have adequate reading skills. We will also have a small interview/ screening test.

Upcoming Winterns

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Other Upcoming Initiatives

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